Date & Time
Event Type
Programme Highlights
Fire engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to protect life, property and environment from fire hazards. However, in modern society, fire safety and fire fighting could only be effective when professionals from various disciplines are working closely together as a team. On the front line, the fire fighters put out fire and save life; on the other end, we have ordinance and regulations enforced by Fire Services Department and Buildings Department; then there are provisions of fire equipment by suppliers, consultants and engineers; and finally, fire safety could not be guaranteed without a sound design to provide proper means of escape, means of access, so on and so forth. Fire engineer has an understanding of the interactions and integration of fire safety systems in buildings, industrial structures and similar facilities. The speaker will give a presentation on the routes to achieving fire engineer. Following the presentation, Ir Leung will be available to answer any specific questions regarding application forms and general questions about the membership. The application procedures and considerations for choosing a competent fire engineer will also be discussed in the technical talk.
Ir Jeffrey Leung, Chairman, Fire Division of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
Ir Leung is currently the Chief Staff Officer of the Civil Aid Service. Before joining Civil Aid Service, he was an Assistant Director of the Fire Services Department until his retirement in November 2021.
Ir Leung obtained his fire engineering degree from the University of Central Lancashire and was awarded a master degree in occupational health and safety by the Curtin University of Technology. For career development, Ir LEUNG was graduated from various overseas professional fire fighting, rescue and management courses, such as HazMat Training Course in Illinois Fire Service Institute, Executive International Programme in the University of California, Berkeley and Senior Executive Programme in London Business School. During his service with the Fire Services Department, Ir Leung worked in various posts to perform different duties, including serving as Training School instructor and handling headquarters’ administration.
Ir LEUNG is also actively serving the fire engineering industry by delivering various technical seminars and lectures. He also takes part in being the Committee of Fire Division of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and is the Chairman of the Division of Session 2022/23.
Registration & Enquiries
The seminar is free of charge and prior registration is required. For HKIE members, please register via the web-link ( The organizers reserve the right to decline their application if no membership no. is submitted.
Applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis [Limited to 59]. Priority will be given to student members. Successful registration will be notified individually. The deadline of application is 23 September 2022.
For enquiry, please contact Ir Anthony Pau at 9738 4800 via Whatsapp message.
Fire Division Committee