Date & Time
Event Type
About the Seminar
Over the years, it is the mission of the HKFSD to formulate fire safety policy for better protection of life and property in the territory. With a view to enhancing building fire safety, the HKFSD aims to promote the wider use of stand-alone fire detectors in buildings of Hong Kong.
Stand-alone fire detectors are widely popular in overseas and proven as a highly cost-effective means in minimizing the losses in case of fire. The purpose of installation of a stand-alone fire detector is to give early warning to occupants in the incipient stage of a fire that enables the occupants to evacuate before their escape route becomes untenable to pass through.
This CPD session of sharing will provide background information on the use of stand-alone fire detectors, the corresponding regulatory control and the proposal to exempt stand-alone fire detectors from the application of relevant regulations.
Ir LEUNG Kwun-hong, FSDSM, Assistant Director (Licensing and Certification), HKFSD
Date : 19 August 2021 (Thursday)
Venue : Hong Kong Central Library (100 seats) with web-broadcasting via Webex
(Webinar link will be sent to applicant.)
Time : 5:45 pm (registration) for 6 pm to 7 pm
Language : Cantonese
CPD Certificates : This seminar is recommended for 1.0 CPD hour. Attendance certificate will be issued.
The seminar is free of charge and prior registration is required. For HKIE members, please register via the web-link ( The organizers reserve the right to decline their application if no membership no. is submitted.
Applicants are suggested to register and login using Hotmail/ Outlook email account. Applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Successful registration will be notified individually. The deadline of application is 11 August 2021.
For enquiry, please contact Ir Horace LAM at 9832 9696 via WhatsApp message.